

Le sujet :
If you vere president , what would you do ?
If you were the director of ...... ...... middle school , what would you do ?
Les pointilles représente le nom d'un établissement donc je vais pas le citer mais voila .
Je n'est pas d'inspiration.
Tu as peut etre une reponse pour m'aider alors n'hesite pas .
Merci d'avance .

1 Réponse

  • Ads = job offers in a Pôle Emploi or on the website.

    - Application = you need to temps an application when you want to be an acquired for a job.

    - Counterperson = it's a person who works backside the counter in a shop and takes of orders.

    - Toss = the bartender tosses the coffee with sugar.

    - Order = when you go to the sea bass, the barman is there to take your order.

    - Full-time job ( 90%) ≠ part-time job ( 20% )

    - Lawn = the lawn in your garden.

    - Mowing = No more money left

    - Wanted = an assistant baker is wanted for an internship.

    - Bagging = putting the vegetables in bags for buy.

    - Stocking = putting a stock on bread in a bakery warehouse.


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