

J'ai de l'anglais à faire pour demain c'est les question 2 3 4 5 merci de maider
J'ai de l'anglais à faire pour demain c'est les question 2 3 4 5 merci de maider

1 Réponse

  • Hello !

    2. The father shows him the painting and tells him they have "all lived together, as families should. In China a daughter lives with family until she marries" and doing "otherwise would be shameful, an insul to your father and mother, and to your ancestors."

    3. She tries to change his father's mind by telling him that "it is America" and that is the "land of the free".

    4. Cathy's problem is that her father doesn't want her to leave her family home to go to Wharton University.

    5. A toi de voir, c'est ton avis personnel, tu penses que Cathy finira par aller à l'université ou pas ?

    En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^