URGENT bonjour a tous , bon je suis vraiment au bout du rouleau j ai un devoir d anglais a rendre et je suis vraiment nul en cette matiere. Je propose donc un e
bonjour a tous , bon je suis vraiment au bout du rouleau j ai un devoir d anglais a rendre et je suis vraiment nul en cette matiere. Je propose donc un echange de devoir en gros je fais le tien et tu fais le mien. Je suis en S lv2 anglais je suis forte dans les matières scientifiques. Si vous etes intéressé dites le moi !
bonjour a tous , bon je suis vraiment au bout du rouleau j ai un devoir d anglais a rendre et je suis vraiment nul en cette matiere. Je propose donc un echange de devoir en gros je fais le tien et tu fais le mien. Je suis en S lv2 anglais je suis forte dans les matières scientifiques. Si vous etes intéressé dites le moi !
1 Réponse
1. Réponse tracie
Expression ecrite
Write down the discussion between Daisy and Raman after their meeting with the teacher. when the teacher left Daisy and Raman they started talking about thier life. daisy said that she didn't live in this village and Raman said that he likes drawing. A few day later Daisy meet Raman again and they started a conversation.
Daisy dreamed that a day she was married with an indianan and her dream was realized soon. The day after they were appointement near a lake. Daisy look her at the water and raman sat in a rock. He draws daisy face and fall in love for her. they against and against meeting. A day Raman said her come to his home to meet his family. She accepted the invitation but when she entrered in raman's house his family didn't accept her. Raman propose her to live with him and to married. she didn't decide immediately