

Hi guys please i need your help
so i want you to write to me a writing talking about your favorite comedian you like (if you know guys lele pons i would like to write a writing about her if not do whatever you want)
i will be happy if you will do this to me
thank you anyway

1 Réponse

  • Hi, sure ;)
    Ma comédienne préférée s'appelle Lele Pons, elle a vingt-deux ans, et est née le 25 juin 1996.
    Elle est aussi chanteuse, danseuse et influenceuse.
    Lele Pons, de son vrai nom Eleonora Pons Maronese, possède des millions de followers sur les réseaux sociaux pour son humour et sa beauté.
    Je l'admire beaucoup, c'est un grand exemple pour moi.

    So, I say the birthday and her age, she is dancing, singing, and a wonderful comedian.
    Lele Pons (of her real name Eleonora Pons Maronese) has a lot of followers in the social network because she is funny and pretty.
    I like her a lot, that's what I want to look like in the future.

    sorry my english is not good, but I hope I help you ;)

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