

Bonjour je m'appelle Rayane j'ai 11 je suis en 6 ème je comprends pas cette exercice d'anglais pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?

B. Now do the other way round and find out which country is missing! Don't forget to include the verb!

1. I am Austrian. I am from
2. You are American. You
3. He is Italien. He
4. She is Chinese. She
5. It is French. It
6. We are Japanese. We
7. You are English. You
8. They are Spanish. They
9. Johanna is Greek.
10. Lewis and Gwen are Germany.

1 Réponse

  • good evening

    1 / i am from Austria

    2/ you are from America

    3/ he is from Italy

    4/ she is from China

    5/ it is from France

    6/ we are from Japan

    7/ you are from England

    8/ they are from Spain

    9/ she is from Greece

    10/ they are from Germany

    alors ca te dit dans la premiere partie de la phrase

    de quelle nationalite sont les personnes et dans la 2eme partie celle que tu dois remplir, tu dois dire de quel pays ils sont

    voila, bonne soiree et bon courage

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