

Bonjour j'ai un exercice orale en Anglais et je voulais savoir ci les mots et leur disposition est exactes (ci mon texte veut dire quelque chose) car g fait cela sur google traduction et ci il y a des erreurs corrigés moi svp merci a la personnes qui va m'aider


Bonjour je m'appel Yannis j'habite a ... j'ai un frère et je vit plutôt avec ma mère. Je vais vous présenter mon talent qui est le parcours. Ce que j'aime dans ce sport c'est que on a pas besoins d'équipement spécifique a part créé son propre parcours. J'ai été inspiré par des personnes qui publier des vidéo sur YouTube et sa ma donné envie de faire ce sport. C'est un sport plutôt fatiguant ou il faut avoir de l'endurance et de la force. J'ai commencer a faire ce sport il y a pas très longtemps donc je ne sais que escalader et faire quelque figures pour le moment. Mais je vais quand même vous présenter ce que je c'est faire.


Hello my name is Yannis I live in ... I have a brother and I live with my mother. I will introduce you to my talent which is the course. What I like about this sport is that we do not need any specific equipment other than creating our own course. I was inspired by people who post videos on YouTube and it made me want to do this sport. It is a rather tiring sport or you have to have endurance and strength. I started doing this sport not so long ago so I do not know how to climb and do some tricks for the moment. But I will still present what I do.

2 Réponse

  • Hey ^^

    Je vais essayer de t'aider :

    Hello my name is Yannis, I live in ..., I have a brother and I live with my mother. I will introduce you to my talent which is the course. What I like about this sport is that we don't need any specific equipment other than what's needed to create our own course. I was inspired by people who post videos on YouTube,they made me want to do this sport. It is a rather tiring sport where you have to be endurant and strong. I started doing this sport not so long ago so I don't know how to climb on walls or do some tricks for the moment. But I will still present what I do.

    Tu peux mettre la version corrigée (la mienne) si tu veux,mais sache que la tienne est aussi juste ^^

  • Hello my name is Yannis I live in ... I have a brother and I live with my mother. I will introduce you to my talent which is the course. What I like about this sport is that we dont need any specific equipment other than creating our own course. I was inspired by people who post videos on YouTube and it made me want to do this sport. It is a rather tiring sport where you have to have endurance and force. I started doing this sport not so long ago so I only know  climb and do some tricks for the moment. But I will still present what I know doing.

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