Bonjour ex en anglais aidez moi svp enoncer = recopie cet extrait d un journal local en mettant les verbes au present perfect They (speak) with the major
1 Réponse
1. Réponse nathea
metttre au present perfect
le present perfect se forme ainsi =
have (conjugué au présent) + participe passé du verbe
They have spoken with the major many times.
They have shared their ideas, and people have listened to them.
I know I haven't fully lived the experience yet, but it has been great so far, said Joshua, I'm already a different person.
*I have learnt (learned) to look at others differently.
I became a different person , and we have already made a difference in our city : our actions have played off !!
The city council has decided to build a new youth centre !
Voilà, 2 difficultés ===>
- penser à écrire "HAS' à la 3e pers. sing.
- Connaitre tes verbes irréguliers pour les participes passés
* LEARN = verbe irrégulier = learnt/learnt// ou/ learned/learned ......................les 2 sont acceptés, ça dépend des profs (j'ai eu de gros problèmes en cours !!!! Utilise ce que ton/ta prof t'a appris !!!)
Bonne journée :)