


j'ai besoin d'aide svp j'ai un paragraphe a faire pour demain en decrivant une image:

(j'ai des mots clés en anglais) :

-2peoples lost island --> waiting for the rescue

-wrote/ have written a "HELP" message --> palm tree leaves

-signalling with orange objects (ex: t-shirt/ plastic bags/ life vesto/ barrel)

-(camp) fire --> to be seen at night

-jungle/ forest


titre de l'image : photo taken from above a helicopter ? a Plan ?


BONSOIR, j'ai besoin d'aide svp j'ai un paragraphe a faire pour demain en decrivant une image: (j'ai des mots clés en anglais) : -2peoples lost island --> waiti

1 Réponse

  • bonjour

    In the pisture we can see two peoples who are lost in Island it's a desert because we don't see anyone , thet are lost next to the sea and forest . They are waiting for someone to come rescue them .

    For people to see them they wrote "help" on the sand with palm tree leaves , they are signalling with an orange objects but we don't now with what . Next to them there is something to burn so I think that they spent the night down there .

    The photo was taken from above a helicopter or a plane.

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