

Bonjour, je dois faire un dialogue entre une femme qui vient de tuer son mari et qui appelle un policier au téléphone pour raconter ce qu'il s'est passé

1 Réponse

  • (dring, dring)
    hello, i am Mr Berry can i help you?
    goodmorning sir my name is melinda, i'm so scared!
    what happen Mrs?
    Last night when i entered home i argument with my husband because i discovered that he had a mistress. i said him that i will separate with him if he continued meet her.
    OK continue please why do you call the police station?
    i call you because today i saw him in the cafeteria with her and when i enter home i am so nevous i take a knife and i stab.
    mrs melinda is he alive?
    i don't know please help me sir
    don't panic i call the ambulance and the police car's are not far

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